Friday, May 29, 2009


" I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness…"

Quote by Dalai Lama

I felt contented & happy when I recevied Meow's SMS. Will my happiness grows like a tree? Growing stronger & taller, growing flowers & bears fruits?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorandum For My "Little Meow"

To My Beloved Little Meow.

I am sorry for what I have done.

Please forgive mummy & daddy.

We will remember and love you forever.

May you re-birth to a better family.

May we meet you and have you as our "little Meow" in our next life.

Mummy will chant for u:

Namo Amitabhaya tathagataya Tadyatha
Amrita siddhambhave
Amrita vikrante
Amrita vikranta
gamine gagana kirtakare svaha

May those who have little ones to chant this mantra which can help to increase the lifespan of a child. If the child is infected with diseases, and undergoes great sufferings, once he has heard the Dharani Mantra, the diseases will immediately be cured. This Mantra will chase away all evil ghosts.

The Dharani Sutra of the Buddha on Longevity
The Extinction of Offences
And the Protection of Young Children

"Bo-Tou-Mi-Bo, Tou-Mi-Ti-Pi, Xi-Ni-Xi-Ni, Xi-Mi-Zhu-Li, Zhu-Luo-Zhu-Li, Hou-Lou-Hou-Lou, Yu-Li-Yu-Luo, Yu-Li-Bo-Lou-Bo-Li, Wen, Zhi-Zhen-Die, Pin-Die-Ban-Tzi-Mo- Die-Chi-Na-Jia-Li-Su-Bo-He."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cintamani Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Mantra

Write up on the mandala:The Wallpaper has Chintamani Chakra Avalokiteshvara at the Middle, with his Mantra in Siddham encircling around Him. The First Layer is the Short Heart Mantra – Om Va ra da pa dme hum – Beginning from the Top-Center. The Next Layer is his Long Heart Mantra – Om Pa dma ci nta ma ni jva la hum -Beginning from the Bottom-Center. The Next Layer encircling everything is the Complete Full Mantra – na mo ra tna tra ya ya na ma a rya va lo ki te shva ra ya bo dhi sa ttva … – Beginning from the Top Center. The Four Letter at the four corners are Seed Syllables (Bijaksharas) also written in Siddham. Top Left Corner – sa – The Seed Syllable of Avalokitesvara in Shingon. Top Right Corner – a – The Seed Syllable of Maha Vairocana Buddha – It is the Mother of All Words. Bottom Left Corner – hrīḥ – The Seed Syllable of Avalokiteshvara – Also called the Seed Syllable of Great Compassion; Bottom Right Corner – huṁ – The Final Syllable of many Mantras especially the Mani Mantra – Om Manipadme HumLet me put my palm together:

Homage to Triple Gems of Ten Directions:
Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya (3 times)

Homage to Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva:
Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva
Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva
Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva

Cintamani Avalokiteshvara Mantra:
namo ratnatrayāya namaḥ āryā-valokite-śvarāya

南無 囉怛那哆囉夜耶 南無喝 阿唎耶-阿婆盧羯帝-爍缽囉耶
皈禮 三寶 禮敬 聖 觀自在

bodhi-sattvāya mahā-sattvaya mahā-kāruṇikāya tadyathā

菩提-薩埵婆耶 摩訶 薩埵 摩訶-迦盧尼迦耶 怛姪他
菩薩 大 菩薩 大 慈悲者 即說咒曰

oṃ cakrā-varti cinta-maṇi mahā-padme ruru

嗡 斫迦囉-瓦低 震哆 麼尼 摩訶 缽頭謎 盧盧
嗡 轉無上法輪 赤如意寶 大 蓮華 離內外塵垢

tiṣṭha jvala ākarṣaya hūm phaṭ svāhā

底瑟咤 入瓦囉 阿卡捨耶 吽 帕的 司挖哈
不住生死 光熾盛 召請 摧壞四魔 吉祥如意
नमो रत्नत्रयाय नम आर्यावलोकितेश्वराय बोधिसत्त्वाय महासत्त्वाय महाकारुणिकाय तद्यथा

Short Mantras:
Om Padma Cintamani Jva-la Hum

嗡 缽頭麼 震哆 麼尼 入瓦囉 吽嗡
皈禮 蓮華 赤如意寶珠 離垢光熾盛 急成(擁護)
ॐ पद्म चिन्तामणि ज्वल हूँ

Om Varada Padme Hum

嗡 哇拉搭 缽頭謎 吽(擁護)
嗡 隨心如意 蓮華 急成(擁護)
ॐ वरद पद्मे हुँ

Om Mani Padme Hum

Short write-up on Cintamani Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva
如意轮观音,梵名Cintamani-cokran,亦称如意轮王菩萨、大梵深远观世音。是以如意宝珠法轮之功德,济一切众生之苦,成就世间所求心愿之菩萨。主要经轨有唐菩提流志译《如意轮陀罗尼经》,同本异译有实叉难陀译《秘密藏如意轮陀罗尼神咒经》、宝思惟《如意摩尼陀罗尼》,义净《如意心陀罗尼咒经》为此经序品,宋仁岳、清续法对此咒作有《课法》与《略疏》。唐代不空则译有《摩尼轮陀罗尼念诵法》。另有一种《如意轮菩萨观门义注秘诀》。  据《如意轮陀罗尼经》,观世音曾蒙世尊加持而宣说《如意轮陀罗尼》,此真言“有大神威,能满足一切有情一切胜缘”。其功德至世间与出世间,世间为诵念课法胜愿成就,出世间为福德慧解、资粮庄严、济度有情等等。  如意轮观音形象一般为思惟坐姿六臂象,即右上手作思惟状支颐,中手拿如意,下手执念珠。左上手作金轮,中手持莲花,下手按山。坐三十二叶莲花座,“顶饰化佛,相好圆满而乘月轮,威光照耀如月中光也”。《瑜珈法要》将法器功用一一释来,如思惟手愍念有情,持如意宝手能满一切愿,持念珠手为度傍生苦,按光明山手成就无倾动,持莲手能净诸非法,持轮手能转无上法,六臂广博体,能游于六道。

Benefits of Practising Cintamani Avalokiteshvara Mantra:最大效用:为观世音菩萨所说,持诵此咒,能佛光普照,得佛的智能,妙法,明白佛法的道理,把烦恼转成菩提,事事顺利,吉祥如意,幸福平安。  
Courtesy by Cousin H

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mantra of Vipulagrabha Maniprabhe Tathgata

Let's celebrate for having seen this mandala. It is a very special mantra that can liberate all sentient beings from sufferings. It is said that if someone has chanted the mantra consistently, if he stands atop a moutain, whatever that his vision can cover will be liberated let alone the person whom chants this mantra him/herself. Do print out the above mandala and keep a copy yourself for protection.

This is a great dharani. In the M. S. G. D. Sutra, it says, "This dharani have great authority and virtue. Thru this dharani, a person becomes enlightened, can subjugate maras, can eradicate negative karma, and can achieve the Six Paramitas. If this dharani is written on a piece of paper, shield, wall, pennant, tower, and so on, any one who sees the dharani, has heard the recitation of it, and carries it, then this person in turn touch others, this person will be eradicated of the Five Adversary Sins, the Four Great Crimes, and the Ten Evil Deeds. This person will also be freed from weapons, poisons, water and fire calamities, looting, and evil spirits. Malaria, cold, flu, and all the sickness sufferings will be away from the person. The person will also receive great blessings. When he dies, all the buddhas will come to comfort him and deliver him to the purelands. Even the birds, animals, insects like moths, mosquitos, and gnats and bugs will become liberated if the shadow of the mentioned things having the dharani is casted upon them or if a speck of dust from these things touches them.

The mantra: -
Namo sarva tathagatanam om vipula garbhe mani prabhe tathagata nidarśane mani mani suprabhe vimale sagara gambhira hum hum jvala jvala buddha vilokite guhya dhishthita garbhe

Om mani vajri hum

Om mani dhari hum phat

Om padmoshnisha vimale hum phat

Courtesy By Cousin H

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Up-side Down

hought it would be a wonderful Saturday for me as I will be meeting Cousin H and Friend Rose for breakfast at Mac. We had a great & happy breakfast and meeting with them have brighten my day. However, luck was not on my side. I was stuck in the carpark with Cousin H as my car engine couldnt start..I said to myself: "Oh Oh Sh*t, please dont die on me". I have tried to restart the engine several times but still failed. I dont even know whats wrong with the car and told myself should have send the car for servicing when it was due for servicing a few weeks ago.

irst thing in my mind was to call my "Meow" and told him about my car but I didnt have the courage to call him as I knew that he wont be answering my call. Luckily I still have my cousins to depend on. Cousin S told me that my car battery might be flat and suggested me to dial AA emergency helpline to get them to change a new battery. To my frustration, AA helpline officer told me that they could do the servicing provided that my "Meow" who is the AA member to be presented even though the car is registered under his car. Damn fu**ing rule and I shut off my cell phone. This time I called Nissian Servicing Centre for help but that bl**dly mobile phone numbers was unavailable and no one pick up at their workshops as well. I have no choice but to call AA again but no one answered. Whats wrong with those emergency helplines when I needed them most?

n between, I text ed to my "Meow" to tell him about the incidents. I have waited but didnt get his reply. I felt so helpless and tears flowed down my cheeks. Am I too dependent on my "Meow"? I just felt so hopeless & helpless without his presence. At last he replied and told me to get AA to change the battery. I am not sure he replied because he was anxious about the car or me. However, I am grateful that he has replied this time. I really miss "Meow".

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bodhi Leaves - Shape of Heart

The usual English translation of the Sanskrit word "bodhi" means Enlightenment, which literally means "awakening." It is achieved by following the Eight-fold path and therefore constitutes freedom from all desires - from Buddhism Glossary

Can we be free from desires? Craving is the deep-seated desire that all living beings have for the pleasures of the senses and for life itself. Craving or desire arises from ignorance and it has blind us from seeing the truth of things.

I am being blinded at the moment. Somehow I understood the truths and should have followed the orders but I am still unable to do it. "Letting go of something or someone" is not easy. I have been thinking about it, however it is too painful for me to do it. My heart needs time to heal.... Thank you Cousin D for your support and advices, without you I may have been LOST.

May Buddha bless and grant us with Wisdom to dispel the darkness of our ignorance.
May all sentient beings be free from suffering.

Tadyatha Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Ye Svaha